Magnetic field therapy

Magnetic field therapy devices improve the quality of life and can accelerate healing processes. The required magnetic field is generated artificially electromagnetically. I work with an Alphatron 4100 -MW. Alphatron devices are by far the most powerful on the world market and have 40 programs controlled by microprocessors.

The pulsating magnetic field generates a biological signal that has multiple positive effects on the body:

  • increased metabolism in diseased cells
  • Regeneration of cartilage and bone structures
  • improved blood circulation and oxygen supply
  • increasing oxygen partial pressure PO2
  • Increase in enzyme activity
  • Pain relief

Our body is controlled by electrical impulses that come from nerve cells, muscles, joints or tiny electrical signals in bones or cartilage. Everyone reacts differently to the frequency, intensity and type of magnetic waves.

Magnetic field therapy can be used as a support for the following indications:

  • Adult diabetes
  • Acute rheumatic knee / hip joint diseases
  • Angina
  • Apoplexy cerebri
  • Arthrosis
  • Asthenia
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Treatment after tooth extractions
  • Treatment after radiation
  • Brachial neuralgia
  • Locomotor organs
  • Cerebral circulatory disorders
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Chronic state of infection
  • Chronic sinusitis
  • depressions
  • Enzymopathy
  • Epicondylitis
  • Fractures
  • gastritis
  • Geriatric adynamia
  • Gynecological disorders
  • Heart failure
  • Cervical spine syndrome
  • Hypertension of various origins
  • Intercostal neuralgia
  • Sciatica
  • Menopausal complaints
  • Contusions
  • Head neuralgia
  • Hepatic insufficiency
  • Lumbar pain
  • Lumbar spine, thoracic spine syndrome
  • M- Scheuermann
  • Migraine
  • Muscular heart failure
  • Muscular atrophy
  • Myositis
  • Nephrosclerosis
  • Nephrosis
  • Upper abdominal syndrome
  • Thigh neuralgia
  • osteoporosis
  • Ovarian failure
  • Paresis of various origins
  • Periarthritis
  • Peripheral circulatory disorders
  • Phantom pain
  • Polyarthritis
  • Prostatitis
  • Pseudoarthrosis
  • psychosis
  • Irritable stomach
  • Retinitis
  • rheumatism
  • Sinusitis
  • Metabolic disease
  • Stump pain
  • stress
  • sleep disorders
  • Tinnitus
  • Trigeminal neuralgia
  • Leg Ulcer
  • Burns
  • Indigestion
  • Delayed wound healing

There is a whole series of physical processes with which the healing processes under the influence of pulsating magnetic fields with extremely low frequencies can be scientifically explained. In general, pulsating magnetic fields cause dynamic effects within human tissue. This is achieved by activating the ion transport on the cell membranes and the metabolic process of the individual cells.

There is a whole series of physical processes with which the healing processes under the influence of pulsating magnetic fields with extremely low frequencies can be scientifically explained. In general, pulsating magnetic fields cause dynamic effects within human tissue. This is achieved by activating the ion transport on the cell membranes and the metabolic process of the individual cells.

This activation of the body cells is crucial for the healing process, as metabolic processes are very closely linked to a functioning body cell. And as the name suggests, “fabrics” must also be able to “change”. This means that waste products have to be transported out of the cell and cell-activating substances (such as oxygen and enzymes) have to be transported into the cell so that a cell can regenerate itself or even live. To do this, a healthy cell needs a small electrical voltage that enables the substances to penetrate the cell wall within a chemical reaction. If a cell is no longer healthy, its electrical voltage is too low. The cell can therefore no longer communicate adequately with the surrounding tissue. It can also no longer take in and forward information (especially important for nerve cells). The use of the Alphatron therapy device can help here. The pulsating magnetic field immediately increases the electrical voltage of the cells. The metabolism of the cell is supported immediately and the cell “works” again. Information can now be recorded and forwarded again.

A medical study by Harvard University proves a measurable response of the central nervous system to therapy with Alphatron 4100. 
JCD Technology GmbH,
Dipl.- Ing.Johannes Drzyzga 

Transform the aging process

The energy level of 80 trillion cells in our body decreases more and more after a certain age, the cells are primarily concerned with ensuring their survival. In individually stored weak points, the aging process is also mercilessly expressed in the form of diseases: arthrosis, osteoporosis, vascular calcification, failure of the immune system, painful bones and joints. Hair becomes gray and sparse, wrinkles tarnish the look.

But we at least try to do something about constant pain, as it particularly affects the quality of life. With magnetic field therapy we try to preserve life energy. Vital energy is produced in the form of ATP in the small power plants, also known as mitochondria, in every cell. OXYGEN is required for this process.

If, for example, blood vessels constrict or the blood in the lungs is not adequately supplied with oxygen, the cells lose energy. At the same time, the constantly accumulating metabolic waste products are no longer disposed of. Over time, they increasingly hinder the supply of cells. There is a gradual loss of energy and failure of cells, tissues and organs.

Diseases are usually only recognized when they are materially visible, when changes are found in blood tests or on X-rays. Unfortunately, tragedies had taken place in the organism long before that. Many cells have already lost their fight for survival.

The most important task of electro-magnetic activation with pulsating magnetic fields is therefore clear: It should be used as early as possible; so that the electrical voltage on the cell membranes is activated and maintained, the oxygen partial pressure in the cells is increased and a drop in energy is also avoided. In this way, degenerative changes and thus the aging process can be stopped.