Energetic House interference suppression/-cleaning

Building and property cleaning

Earth grids and water veins as well as electrosmog (e.g. cell phones, cell phone masts, computers, TV) not only have a negative impact on the atmosphere of a place, but also have a proven, long-term harmful effect on health. The radiation exposure causes damage to the nervous system, acidification of the body and demineralization of the bones. In a single remote treatment, your living space is placed in an energetic force field and the existing harmful rays are transformed into healing energies and contribute to your health.

At the same time, heavy energies (conflict, death, mourning, foreign energies, elementals, energy of earthbound souls, etc.) that accumulate in a building or on a property over time are neutralized. This transformation is permanent.

I work with special alchemical methods with shamanic rituals,
with different angel energies
and with the violet flame.


Please send me any outside photo of the desired property with a detailed address. The quality of the photo is not important. Only the license number is required for the car’s radiation conversion. You should be present in the object to be cleaned at an agreed date in order to consciously experience the energetic process. Sometimes spontaneous healings and relief from pain occur.


6 + 14 =

Dr. Martina Czolgoszewski
Veterinarian and information medicine

[icon name=”phone” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] WhatsApp
0034 678700190
[icon name=”envelope-o” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] info@ibizahealing.net


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