
The holistic bioenergetic analysis system

etascan® is a bioenergetic recording system. It was developed to make bioenergetic structures visible.

The human body is examined completely contactless and painless using biomagnetic vibrations. etascan® uses sensor headphones to record the entire energy system. Thousands of points are measured, the feedback is sent back to the computer and clearly displayed on the screen using clear color signals. Energy points are placed over a pictorial representation of organs, the nervous and lymphatic systems up to the blood cells and chromosomes

… see more, act in good time – an “early warning system”
Bioenergetic processes and relationships become visible to the user, which in combination with traditional analysis result in a detailed picture. This additional information increases the efficiency for a holistic supply. If there is an existing energy deficit, your self-healing powers are activated by supplying healthy vibrations.

etascan® is a holistic, bioenergetic analysis system. This system does not carry out a conventional medical diagnosis in the conventional, conventional medical sense, as X-ray machines, EMR systems etc. do. There is no direct contact with the body during the acquisition. Bioenergetics is a new technology; it does not replace going to the doctor or alternative practitioner.


11 + 8 =

Dr. Martina Czolgoszewski
Veterinarian and information specialist
Ibiza, SPAIN

[icon name=”phone” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] WhatsApp
0034 678700190
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